Many dresses are recognised as famous, instantly recognised by the public as “that dress”, seen compiled by high street stores over the years due to its popularity. However, I think the most famous dress is the Marilyn Monroe Dress.


Even just by reading that title I’m sure every person reading this can perfectly picture the dress I am talking about, therefore proving it’s fame and recognisability.

Image result for marilyn monroe dress

The “Marilyn Monroe Dress” was designed by costume designer William Trivilla for the 1955 film, The Seven Year Itch. It was worn in the best known scene of the film, making the white plunge neck, shin length pleated dress even more famous. The famous scene includes Marilyn in this iconic dress, standing over a subway grate, blowing the skirt of the dress up. This scene has been described as one of the most famous movie scenes/images of the 20th century.

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The dress has been recreated numerous times, sold in high street stores due to the high popularity of the cut of the dress which spiked after the airing of the film. It’s also a costume choice for people attending dressing up occasions as the dress is so easily recognisable and iconic.


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